Mercury thermometers face final phase out

The mercury thermometer, long a fixture in household medicine cabinets and industrial settings, is going the way of the horse and buggy. The reason: Mercury released into the environment from a broken thermometer is highly ...

End of an era: NIST to cease calibrating mercury thermometers

Beginning March 1, 2011, the National Institute of Standards and Technology will no longer provide calibration services for mercury thermometers. The cessation of the mercury thermometer calibration program marks the end ...

Japanese firm invents mirror to spot the flu

As Japan's flu season gets into full swing, a local technology firm Tuesday unveiled a mirror-like thermometer that can detect and identify a person who is feverish.

Open Lid Reveals Mercury

( -- Mercury, the silvery liquid formerly used in thermometers, is now known to be highly toxic. The worst of the toxins are organic mercury compounds, such as methylmercury. Most previous analytical procedures ...

Wet spring increases risk of barn fires caused by hot, moist hay

( -- This year's unusually wet spring and early summer has led many farmers to store hay that's wetter than normal, increasing the danger of barn fires, according to an expert in Penn State's College of Agricultural ...

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