Heat may detect invisible damage in concrete supports

Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University together with specialists from NTC Tekhnika proposed thermal non-destructive testing to inspect reinforced concrete supports. It enables efficiently and quickly detecting the corrosion ...

ESA to supply service module for first crewed Orion mission

ESA and NASA are extending their collaboration in human space exploration following confirmation that Europe will supply a second Service Module to support the first crewed mission of the Orion spacecraft.

Image: Sensing Orion

A test version of the European Service Module at NASA's Plum Brook Station in Sandusky, Ohio, USA. ESA's module will power NASA's Orion spacecraft to the Moon and beyond, providing propulsion, electricity, water, oxygen and ...

Measuring the smallest vibration

EPFL scientists have used feedback to cool the motion of a micron-sized glass string to near absolute zero. This required building a sensor capable of resolving the smallest vibration allowed by quantum mechanics.

Climate control for the burns unit

Individualized climate control for burns victims in hospitals might not only improve comfort for such patients, but improve working conditions for those taking care of them. In addition, it could cut energy requirements by ...

Mars Odyssey Orbiter is back in service

(Phys.org) -- NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter has resumed its science observations and its role as a Mars rover's relay, thanks to a spare part that had been waiting 11 years to be put to use.

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