Related topics: patients

Scientists update genome editing technology

Researchers from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) in collaboration with colleagues from the Pavlov University, ITMO University, and the University of Hamburg compared their developed carriers ...

Bioactive nano-capsules to hijack cell behavior

Many diseases are caused by defects in signaling pathways of body cells. In the future, bioactive nanocapsules could become a valuable tool for medicine to control these pathways. Researchers from the University of Basel ...

Significant leap forward in method for cancer treatment

Eindhoven University of Technology Professor Jan C.M. van Hest has announced a breakthrough in non-invasive cancer treatment. His Institute for Complex Molecular Systems partnered with several Chinese research institutions ...

New method to fight cancer with molecular fibers

According to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, cancer is one of the most frequent causes of death, accounting for almost 25% of all deaths. Chemotherapy is often used as a treatment, but brings side effects for healthy ...

Editing immune response could make gene therapy more effective

Gene therapy generally relies on viruses, such as adeno-associated virus (AAV), to deliver genes into a cell. In the case of CRISPR-based gene therapies, molecular scissors can then snip out a defective gene, add in a missing ...

Nanomaterials based strategies for treatment of hypoxic tumor

Hypoxia is a typical characteristic of most tumors, owing to the fast consumption of oxygen by tumor tissue over the supply through malformed and abnormal tumor vasculature. Hypoxia in tumor tissue promotes the probability ...

Structural biology reveals new target to neutralize COVID-19

An international team of researchers have discovered a new and highly conserved site on the SARS-CoV-2 virus that can be neutralized by a specific antibody. Previous studies have reported that antibodies that block the virus ...

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