Related topics: patients

DNA repair scheme gets closer look for cancer therapy

Researchers from Rice University and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, Have taken a close look at one of the ways cells repair broken strands of DNA and discovered details that could help make a ...

Are bacteriophages the new antibiotics?

Bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria, may be used as an alternative treatment option when antibiotics fail. Leiden researchers have studied the structure and function of a novel bacteriophage that could be used to ...

How TFIIH uses XPG to located damaged DNA

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is a critical DNA repair pathway that plays a key role in maintaining transcription and genome integrity by removing bulky DNA lesions.

Positively charged nanomaterials treat obesity anywhere you want

Researchers have long been working on how to treat obesity, a serious condition that can lead to hypertension, diabetes, chronic inflammation, and cardiovascular diseases. Studies have also revealed a strong correlation of ...

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