Software developer hopes to turn rehab into video game

A broken arm as a boy led Cosmin Mihaiu and some inventive colleagues to turn tedious physical rehabilitation exercises into a game that they hope can make it easier for people to recover from injuries.

Japan researcher builds device to 'transmit force'

A Japanese researcher on Friday unveiled an invention that instantly and wirelessly transmits force between two devices, in a development that could allow physical therapists to treat patients remotely.

Wheelchair for developing countries designed by students

Muddy, unpaved roads and doors with high thresholds. Operating a wheelchair in a developing country is a challenge. In their degree project for Industrial Design Engineering, Chalmers students Erik Ohlson and Christian Bremer ...

Crowdfunding gets personal with GoFundMe

Brenda Lynn says her autistic 3-year-old son, Kaleo, hardly speaks, and his inability to express himself frustrates him - except when using his speech therapist's iPad.

Researchers pushing boundaries of virtual reality

UT Dallas researchers are extending the borders of virtual reality, going beyond virtual spaces in which people can see and hear each other to an environment that adds the sense of touch.

Using touch screens and apps to treat autism

As a commercial software expert for the financial services industry, Ted Conley was frustrated with the technology that a speech therapist recommended to help his developmentally disabled son. So he decided to build his own ...

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