Transporting energy through a single molecular nanowire

Photosynthetic systems in nature transport energy very efficiently toward a reaction center, where it is converted into a useful form for the plant. Scientists have been using this as inspiration to learn how to transport ...

Jets of bacteria carry microscopic cargo

It is a longstanding challenge to be able to control biological systems to perform specific tasks. In a paper published in Nature Physics, researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, in collaboration ...

Research team discovers path to razor-sharp black hole images

Last April, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) sparked international excitement when it unveiled the first image of a black hole. Today, a team of researchers have published new calculations that predict a striking and intricate ...

Solved: The mystery of the expansion of the universe

The Earth, solar system, the entire Milky Way and the few thousand galaxies closest to us move in a vast "bubble" that is 250 million light years in diameter, where the average density of matter is half as high as for the ...

Cooling magnets with sound

Today, most quantum experiments are carried out with the help of light, including those in nanomechanics, in which tiny objects are cooled with electromagnetic waves to such an extent that they reveal quantum properties. ...

Scientists develop first electrically-driven 'topological' laser

Scientists and engineers from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and the University of Leeds in the U.K. have created the first electrically driven topological laser, which has the ability to route ...

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