Related topics: cern

Liquid crystal research, future applications advance

Contributing geometric and topological analyses of micro-materials, University of Massachusetts Amherst mathematician Robert Kusner aided experimental physicists at the University of Colorado (UC) by successfully explaining ...

New calculations solve an old problem with DNA

The normal (B-form) DNA will switch to left-handed DNA when it is physically twisted, or when a lot of salt is added to the solution. Researchers at the University of Luxembourg were able to accurately calculate for the ...

May the force be with the atomic probe

New models suggest devising means of probing a surface at a sub-micrometric level as this will help us understand how electrons' diffusion affects long-range attractive forces.

Powering lasers through heat

In micro electronics heat often causes problems and engineers have to put a lot of technical effort into cooling, for example micro chips, to dissipate heat that is generated during operation. Austrian physicists have now ...

DNA's double stranded stretch

(—Theoretical physicists like to play with very unconventional toys. Manoel Manghi from Toulouse University in France and his colleagues have adopted a seemingly playful approach to examining what happens to a ...

Topological superconductors: Seeking a robust home for qubits

(—If quantum computers are ever going to perform all those expected feats of code-breaking and number crunching, then their component qubits—-tiny ephemeral quantum cells held in a superposition of internal states—-will ...

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