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How drought-tolerant grasses came to be

If you eat bread stuffing or grain-fed turkey this Thanksgiving, give thanks to the grasses — a family of plants that includes wheat, oats, corn and rice. Some grasses, such as corn and sugar cane, have evolved a unique ...

Thanksgiving table chemistry

What's going on at Thanksgiving dinner? Sure, Uncle Al is asleep in front of the football game and the kids are running around the table rather than sitting at it, but just how in the name of inane parade play-by-play did ...

No holiday e-mail break for Americans: survey

Americans will take a break from the office over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays but most won't stop checking their work emails, according to a survey released on Tuesday.

Tightwads and spendthrifts: A Black Friday tradition

Every year about this time, on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving that traditionally begins the holiday shopping season, early-morning consumers stand in long lines eager to purchase some sought after prize. From the ...

Cilantro ingredient can remove foul odor of 'chitlins'

With chitlins about to make their annual appearance on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day menus, scientists have good news for millions of people who love that delicacy of down-home southern cooking, but hate the ...

Holiday shopping off to mildly encouraging start

(AP) -- After shoppers gave retailers a somewhat encouraging start to the holiday shopping season, stores now turn their attention to the online promotions known as Cyber Monday and bringing back customers the rest of the ...

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