3-D images of fabric 'sandwich' can help measure textile friction

To quantify exactly how itchy a wool sweater might be when worn directly against the skin, or how soft a blanket spread on your bed can be, North Carolina State University researchers developed a method of measuring fabric's ...

Turning crop waste into high-value fashion products

Researchers at Cranfield University are working with partners at the University of York to develop a greener way to manufacture textiles for clothing using biomass derived from crop waste.

Eliminating textile waste requires new ways of thinking

A lot of material is wasted when clothes are produced; reducing this waste requires new ways of thinking. "The system was built up during a time when we thought that the earth's resources were unlimited, which we now know ...

Nylon finally takes its place as a piezoelectric textile

Nylon might seem the obvious go-to material for electronic textiles—not only is there an established textiles industry based on nylon, but it conveniently has a crystalline phase that is piezoelectric—tap it and you get ...

Turning streetwear into solar power plants

Researchers at Empa and ETH Zurich succeeded in developing a material that works like a luminescent solar concentrator and can even be applied to textiles. This opens up numerous possibilities for producing energy directly ...

Biobased products can produce luminescent textiles

Luminescent textiles can be created by using a bioluminescent reaction system. This is something that Sweta Iyer, with her newly-minted doctorate, has established. Her doctoral thesis in the field of Textile Technology at ...

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