Bio-inspired textiles promote sustainable fashion

While color is one of the primary indicators of sales success within the fashion industry, it's also one of the world's largest sources of water pollution. In fact, textile mills often dump residual dyes and hazardous chemicals ...

Wood, mushrooms and fish as the new stars of fashion catwalks

Do you wonder where your clothes come from? The material they're made of and how they are produced? Most of us don't, but if we did, we might get a bit uneasy. Now, research is helping the fashion industry take the lead in ...

Creating cotton that is fireproof and comfortable

State-of-the-art flame retardant cotton textiles suffer from release of formaldehyde and are uncomfortable to wear. Empa scientists managed to circumvent this problem by creating a physically and chemically independent network ...

Yarns coated with enzymes can act as filters

North Carolina State University researchers showed in a new study they could coat cotton yarns with enzymes, which are nature's tool for speeding chemical reactions, in order to change hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. ...

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