'Don't post that!' -- networking etiquette emerges

(AP) -- Stephanie Kahn wanted to bask in her engagement for a few hours before diving into the task of calling aunts, uncles and good friends with the big news. And even before she could call them, she had a surprise party ...

People lie as a way to manage modern communications

(PhysOrg.com) -- They're the little white lies we tell to save face or other people's feelings -- the "I'm on my way" text messages or "Got to go, phone's ringing" excuses during online chat sessions.

Pinger bringing free text messaging to Europe

Silicon Valley startup Pinger on Wednesday said it will expand into Europe with a German service for free text messaging using Apple or Android-powered gadgets.

Texting on the rise among US adults: Pew survey

More American adults are texting but they are not tapping out nearly as many messages per day on their cellphones as teenagers, according to a new survey from the Pew Research Center.

Unlocking the power of web text data

NUS statisticians have developed the Regularised Text Logistic (RTL) regression model to extract informative word features from digital text for decision-making.

Microsoft to power Toyota cars on Internet highway

Microsoft and Toyota Motor Corp. (TMC) on Wednesday announced they will work together to infuse the Japanese auto maker's cars with digital capabilities hosted in the Internet "cloud."

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