Kindle lets readers fire off questions to authors

Amazon on Thursday launched a test version of Kindle software that lets readers fire off questions to authors in text messages sent from the popular electronic book readers.

Sixth-grader's barking-dog app wins AT&T $20,000 prize

(—Not bad for an 11-year old who likes math. In fact, not bad for an adult agency creative director who liked the 11-year-old's idea and sat alongside her for some serious collaboration. They both won a $20,000 ...

New hacks strike at heart of mobile innovations

As fierce competition leads to rapid innovation in the smartphone market, hackers have pounced on cracks in defenses of developments on devices at the heart of modern lifestyles, experts say.

Cut-rate prepaid plans shake up wireless industry

(AP) -- As wireless carriers start reporting first-quarter results this week, investors will be looking at the effects of some spectacular price cuts for prepaid cell phone service.

Text-the-pope service launched in Italy

Roman Catholics can send now text messages of support to Pope Benedict XVI, Italian public television said Saturday, as the Church faces an international paedophile scandal.

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