Q&A: how much workplace collaboration is too much?

Rob Cross's fascinating work on "collaborative overload," conducted with Adam Grant and Robert "Reb" Rebele of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, is featured on the cover of the January/February ...

'Digging into Data Challenge' grant awarded

A professor at Tufts University will lead a team of international researchers to explore how humanities scholars can use data analysis to track topics about the Greco-Roman world as they appear in a million documents, spanning ...

Waves in thin air with broad effects

Mars has a very thin atmosphere, with nearly one hundredth the density of ours on Earth, and gravity pulls with little more than one third of the strength we feel on our planet. As a result, dust storms can go global. For ...

Document shows how phone cos. treat private data

A document obtained by the ACLU shows for the first time how the four largest cellphone companies in the U.S. treat data about their subscribers' calls, text messages, Web surfing and approximate locations.

Time to watch out for SMS worms on Android devices

Google's Android now dominates 80% of the smart phone market. Of the major phone operating systems, Android is the most vulnerable to security breaches and yet perceptions haven't caught up with reality. People simply aren't ...

Scientists find ways to study and reconstruct past scents

In recent years, millions of people worldwide have suffered the loss of smell due to COVID-19. Even those who have avoided infection with the new coronavirus experience the world of scent differently now due to the very masks ...

Virus sends costly messages from Android phones

Mobile security firm Lookout on Tuesday warned that a booby-trapped Movie Player application is infecting Android phones in Russia with a virus that sends costly text messages.

French chess team cheated via text

(PhysOrg.com) -- We all want to get ahead, but how many of us are willing to cheat to do it? As it turns out, when the stakes are high, cheating really isn't that uncommon. Sadly, we have come to see cheating as commonplace ...

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