Smartphones put writing on the wall for paid texts

Text messaging, the simple telecoms service that turned into a global phenomenon, is under threat from free smartphone services and operators need to find alternative revenue streams, analysts say.

Twitter widens window to links in tweets

Twitter added Wednesday to the array of online content people could preview in messages without having to click on links included in tweets.

Mobile technology to fix hand pumps in Africa

( -- Thousands of families affected by the ongoing drought in East Africa are set to benefit from improved water supplies thanks to innovative mobile technology designed by Oxford University.

US: Older teens often text behind the wheel

(AP) — More than half of U.S. students in their last year before college admit they text or email while driving — the first federal statistics on how common the dangerous habit is in teens.

Texting made possible for the illiterate

People incapable of reading and writing will have access to text messages from now on. A system using vocal synthesis, icons and contact management allows people to send and read text messages by those normally unable to ...

OMG! Texting ups truthfulness, new study suggests

Text messaging is a surprisingly good way to get candid responses to sensitive questions, according to a new study to be presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research.

Twitter passwords bared online

Twitter said that it was trying to figure out how user names and passwords from thousands of accounts apparently wound up posted at an online file sharing website.

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