Tech Tips: Guide to protecting Internet accounts

Security experts say passwords for more than 2 million Facebook, Google and other accounts have been compromised and circulated online, just the latest example of breaches involving leading Internet companies.

Convenience of technology comes at a cost

As he rose to his feet from a knuckle-dragging crouch, primitive cave man wrapped his newly evolved opposable thumbs around the handy tools of his time - a club or spear - and instantly his life got easier. Two million years ...

The linguistic clues that reveal your true Twitter identity

Twitter is awash with trolls, spammers and misanthropes, all keen to ruin your day with a mean-spirited message or even a threat that can cause you genuine fear. It seems all too easy to set up an account and cause trouble ...

Reading innovation may help young readers

School students may be the next group of readers to benefit from the latest innovation in reading –sound tracks incorporated into e-books.

The perils of texting while driving

US research reveals that 4 out of 5 college student drivers have used their cell phones to send or receive text messages while driving despite the majority recognizing that the activity represents a risk. Garold Lantz and ...

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