Equifax says execs unaware of hack when they sold stock

Equifax said Friday an internal review found that four executives who sold shares ahead of disclosure of a massive data breach at the credit agency were unaware of the incident ahead of the sale.

Emergency alerts get scrutiny after deadly wildfires

Communities in wildfire-prone Northern California have an array of emergency systems designed to alert residents of danger: text messages, phone calls, emails and tweets. But after days of raging blazes left at least 23 dead, ...

Unsent text message passes for will in Australia

A dead man's unsent text message leaving his home and pension to his brother rather than his wife and son and signed off with a smiley face emoji has been ruled a legitimate will by an Australian court.

Big data conquers legal analysis

Researchers supported by the SNSF have set up a free and accessible integrated database of legal cases involving international economic law. Their work represents an important milestone for research and practice.

Do we read differently on paper than on a screen?

On a global scale, we are reading like never before and are spending more and more time glued to a screen. In fact, we read digital media every single day, whether it is on Facebook or in discussion forums. In total, there ...

Drivers don't ignore a ringing phone but do ignore the risk

Drivers find it difficult to ignore a ringing phone but they do ignore the dangers, with a new QUT study revealing almost 50 per cent believe locating and answering a ringing phone is not as risky as talking and texting.

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