Federal judge rules NSA phone surveillance legal (Update)

The heated debate over the National Security Agency's bulk collection of millions of Americans' telephone records fell squarely into the courts when a federal judge in Manhattan upheld the legality of the program and cited ...

Responding to the radiation threat

Berkeley Lab researchers are developing a promising treatment for safely decontaminating humans exposed to radioactive actinides from a major radiation exposure event, such as a nuclear reactor accident or a "dirty bomb" ...

Predicting random violence by mathematics

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a new study published in Science, researchers, led by physicist Neil Johnson from the University of Miami, show that attacks by groups such as the Taliban or Hezbollah may seem sporadic, they eventually ...

Crime-terror nexus obstructs global fight against illicit drugs

A complex web connecting the global illicit drug trade with organized crime and terrorism poses a significant threat to international peace and security—with Flinders University criminology experts calling for renewed investigations ...

Study highlights the impact of terrorist violence on education

A recent study by Joseph-Simon Görlach of Bocconi University, Milan, in collaboration with Marco Alfano of Lancaster University, has highlighted the severe consequences of terrorism on education in Kenya. The paper, titled ...

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