Materialism makes bad events even worse

In addition to its already well-documented negative direct effects on a person's well-being, materialism also wields an indirect negative effect by making bad events even worse, according to a paper co-written by a University ...

US declassifies surveillance order amid snooping debate

The Obama administration on Wednesday declassified a court order authorizing collection of millions of US phone records, even as it faced new disclosures about the reach of its secret electronic surveillance programs.

UN offers support against 'cyberterrorism'

The United Nations published Monday a report offering guidance and support to countries on tackling "terrorists" who use the Internet to plan attacks, recruit and disseminate propaganda.

More traffic deaths in wake of 9/11

In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many Americans started driving more due to a fear of flying – and lost their lives in traffic accidents. But why did this happen more frequently in some states ...

Female terrorists' bios belie stereotypes, study finds

Much like their male counterparts, female terrorists are likely to be educated, employed and native residents of the country where they commit a terrorist act, according to new research published by the American Psychological ...

House moves ahead with cybersecurity bill (Update)

(AP) -- House Republicans are pushing ahead with legislation to protect the nation's critical infrastructure and corporations from electronic attacks despite Obama administration objections that the legislation fails to ...

A divided Congress confronts a rising cyberthreat

(AP) -- The mysterious caller claimed to be from Microsoft and offered step-by-step instructions to repair damage from a software virus. The electric power companies weren't falling for it.

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