Are we prepared for another 9-11?

At the site of a terrorist attack, an earthquake or a tsunami, emergency responders are focused on search and rescue, and saving lives.

What makes solo terrorists tick?

The double terrorist attack in Norway last July, which claimed 77 lives, has moved violent acts committed by single individuals up the political, media and now research agendas. Known as "lone wolf terrorism," these acts ...

Security and the Internet of Things

An ever-increasing number of our consumer electronics is internet-connected. We're living at the dawn of the age of the Internet of Things. Appliances ranging from light switches and door locks, to cars and medical devices ...

Climate change raising incidents of maritime piracy

Climate change is raising the risk of extreme weather, causing food shortages and threatening the existence of myriad species—and if that weren't enough, it's now prompting pirates to plague the world's oceans and seas.

COVID-19 shapes political approval ratings

Approval ratings of political leaders surged in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A divided Congress confronts a rising cyberthreat

(AP) -- The mysterious caller claimed to be from Microsoft and offered step-by-step instructions to repair damage from a software virus. The electric power companies weren't falling for it.

What will be the motivation for terrorism by 2040?

Manuel Ricardo Torres Soriano, professor from the Politic Sciences, Public Law and Administration Department at Universidad Pablo de Olavide, who specializes in jihadist terrorism analysis, insurgent forces and radical movements, ...

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