Flies that pollinized Cretaceous plants 105 million years ago

When we think about pollination, the image that comes first to mind is a bee or a butterfly covered by pollen. However, in the Cretaceous —about 105 million years ago— bees and butterflies did not exist, and most terrestrial ...

Genome analysis reveals how algae evolved into land plants

By analysing the genome of a terrestrial alga, a research group including researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kazusa DNA Research Institute and RIKEN reveal the presence of genes that enable plants to cope with ...

Brown algae reveal antioxidant production secrets

Brown algae contain phlorotannins, aromatic (phenolic) compounds that are unique in the plant kingdom. As natural antioxidants, phlorotannins are of great interest for the treament and prevention of cancer and inflammatory, ...

High CO2 spurs wetlands to absorb more carbon

(Phys.org) —Under elevated carbon dioxide levels, wetland plants can absorb up to 32 percent more carbon than they do at current levels, according to a 19-year study published in Global Change Biology from the Smithsonian ...

Scientists discover that rainforests take the heat

South American rainforests thrived during three extreme global warming events in the past, say paleontologists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in a new report published in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary ...

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