Headbanging termites send out smoke signals

Communicating over long distances is difficult; for example, the sound of our voices can rarely be heard or understood further away than 100 m. Yet, long before the invention of the telephone or e-mail, humans were successfully ...

New skin-eating amphibian discovered

Scientists have discovered a new species of caecilian - a worm-like amphibian - whose young peel off and eat their mother's skin.

How to start a termite 'orgy'

There are more than 3,000 species of ter­mites in the world, all living in social colonies with dis­tinct hier­ar­chies. They can be dev­as­tating pests, with the ability to destroy entire build­ings. But they're also ...

Designer babies may explain insect sociality

(Phys.org)—Being able to choose the sex of their babies may be the key to the complex societies built by ants, bees, and wasps, according to Oxford University scientists.

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