Useful lessons in ventilation provided by insects' mounds

While some power companies scour the globe for steady winds to drive giant turbines, a biologist is turning to lowly termites and their lofty mounds to understand how to harness far more common intermittent breezes, seeking ...

Insect research gives humans six legs up

( -- You could say that Bert Hölldobler's career began during a childhood walk in the Bavarian woods with his father. The elder Holldobler turned over a rock out in the forest, exposing a colony of carpenter ...

Worker ants paralyze and kill termites from afar

Worker ants from a particular species of African ants have potent venom that can paralyze and kill termites from a distance, according to a study published Dec. 14 in the online journal PLoS ONE.

100-mllion-year-old amber preserves oldest animal societies

Fighting ants, giant solider termites, and foraging worker ants recently discovered in 100-million-year-old amber provide direct evidence for advanced social behavior in ancient ants and termites—two groups that are immensely ...

New gut bacterium discovered in termite's digestion of wood

When termites munch on wood, the small bits are delivered to feed a community of unique microbes living in their guts, and in a complex process involving multiple steps, these microbes turn the hard, fibrous material into ...

Headbanging termites send out smoke signals

Communicating over long distances is difficult; for example, the sound of our voices can rarely be heard or understood further away than 100 m. Yet, long before the invention of the telephone or e-mail, humans were successfully ...

'Fishing' chimpanzees found to enjoy termites as a seasonal treat

The discovery that chimpanzees use tools to fish for termites revolutionized our understanding of their abilities—but we still don't have crucial context to help us understand termite fishing and chimpanzee minds. Are chimpanzees ...

What agriculture can learn from termites and fungi

Other living creatures were involved in agriculture way before humans. Termite species in Africa and Asia have been cultivating fungi for consumption for tens of millions of years. And they do it well as the harvests of a ...

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