Nematodes with pest-fighting potential identified

Formosan subterranean termites could be in for a real headache. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists have identified species of roundworms, or "nematodes," that invade the termite brains and offer a potential ...

Asexual succession strategy of termites

A study led by the Laboratory Evolutionary Biology and Ecology of the Université libre de Bruxelles shows that the humivorous French Guianan termite Cavitermes tuberosus routinely practice asexual queen succession (parthenogenesis).

Hares, turtles, and the race to unravel genetic diversity

If you thought the only way to solve a puzzle was by looking at a picture of its end result as you go, guess again. Using an innovative approach to the study of genetic diversity, an international research team, comprising ...

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