Study shows 'pretty' termites do the most damage

Termites may be "pretty" in the eyes of a scientist, but don't let good looks fool you: The prettier termites are more destructive than their uglier counterparts, a University of Florida researcher says.

Termite queens' efficient antioxidant system may enable long life

Termite queens have an efficient antioxidant system which may underpin their ability to live longer than non-reproductive termites, according to a study published January 11, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Eisuke ...

Wild chimpanzee mothers teach young to use tools

The first documented evidence of wild chimpanzee mothers teaching their offspring to use tools has been captured by video cameras set to record chimpanzee tool-using activity at termite mounds in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National ...

Finding the first fungus farmers

The development of farming was a key milestone in human history, but as a species we were quite late to the party. Insects got there first! One of the best documented examples happens in the termite world, where some species ...

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