Speedy terahertz-based system could detect explosives

Terahertz spectroscopy, which uses the band of electromagnetic radiation between microwaves and infrared light, is a promising security technology because it can extract the spectroscopic "fingerprints" of a wide range of ...

A revolutionary breakthrough in terahertz remote sensing

(PhysOrg.com) -- A major breakthrough in remote wave sensing by a team of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute researchers opens the way for detecting hidden explosives, chemical, biological agents and illegal drugs from a distance ...

Researchers demonstrate first terahertz quantum sensing

Quantum physicists rely on quantum sensing as a highly attractive method to access spectral regions and detect photons (tiny packets of light) that are generally technically challenging. They can gather sample information ...

The world's most powerful terahertz quantum cascade laser

Terahertz radiation has many applications—but high intensity terahertz radiation sources are hard to build. A team of researchers at TU Vienna has now managed to create a new kind of quantum cascade laser with an output ...

New device converts DC electric field to terahertz radiation

Terahertz radiation, the no-man's land of the electromagnetic spectrum, has long stymied researchers. Optical technologies can finagle light in the shorter-wavelength visible and infrared range, while electromagnetic techniques ...

Graphene-based terahertz devices: The wave of the future

People use electromagnetic energy every day … watching television, listening to the radio, popping corn with a microwave, taking an X-ray or using a cellphone. This energy travels in the form of waves, which are widely ...

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