Electrified graphene a shutter for light

(Phys.org) -- An applied electric voltage can prompt a centimeter-square slice of graphene to change and control the transmission of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths from the terahertz to the midinfrared.

Photonics: strong vibrations

A new approach to generating terahertz radiation will lead to new imaging and sensing applications. The low energy of the radiation means that it can pass through materials that are otherwise opaque, opening up uses in imaging ...

Graphene-based terahertz devices: The wave of the future

People use electromagnetic energy every day … watching television, listening to the radio, popping corn with a microwave, taking an X-ray or using a cellphone. This energy travels in the form of waves, which are widely ...

Nanotube-based terahertz polarizer nears perfection

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at Rice University are using carbon nanotubes as the critical component of a robust terahertz polarizer that could accelerate the development of new security and communication devices, sensors ...

Terahertz boost detection

Swissto12 -- an EPFL spin-off -- could help boost the performance of detection systems and create new antennas for mobile telephony and on-board satellite systems thanks to an innovative transmission system that takes advantage ...

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