How a box jellyfish catches fish

The first feeding study of tropical Australia's Irukandji box jellyfish has found that they actively fish. They attract larval fish by twitching their extended tentacles, highlighting their nematocyst clusters (stinging structures) ...

ROV video offers clues on how rare squid catches prey

( —Video captured by a camera aboard a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) off the coast of southern California is offering scientists clues to help explain how the rare squid Grimalditeuthis bonplandi, manages to ...

Finding Nematostella: An ancient sea creature

A study of tentacle-formation in a sea anemone shows how epithelial cells form elongated structures and puts the spotlight on a new model organism.

Ancient critter could be the granddaddy of shellfish

A weird marine creature that lived 500 million years ago at a time of explosive growth in Earth's biodiversity could be a forerunner of worms and molluscs, a study published on Thursday said.

Prehistoric builders reveal trade secrets

A fossil which has lain in a museum drawer for over a century has been recognized by a University of Leicester geologist as a unique clue to the long-lost skills of some of the most sophisticated animal architects that have ...

Seeing without eyes: Hydra stinging cells respond to light

In the absence of eyes, the fresh water polyp, Hydra magnipapillata, nevertheless reacts to light. They are diurnal, hunting during the day, and are known to move, looping end over end, or contract, in response to light. ...

Researchers reveal remarkable fossil

Researchers from China, Leicester and Oxford have discovered a remarkable fossil which sheds new light on an important group of primitive sea creatures.

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