A new sensor for light, heat and touch

Inspired by the behaviour of natural skin, researchers at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linkoping University, have developed a sensor that will be suitable for use with electronic skin. It can measure changes in ...

Testing time for Proba-V, ESA's global vegetation tracker

(Phys.org)—ESA's Proba-V microsatellite is now assembled and midway through testing to ensure it is fully spaceworthy. The miniature Earth-observer, designed to chart global vegetation every two days, will be launched in ...

Medical experiments in space

The SpaceX carrier rocket lifted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, U.S. early on Thursday morning, Central European Time. The 'Cosmic Kiss' mission's four crew members will travel to the International Space ...

An underwater glider for measuring turbulence in Lake Geneva

Huge systems of rotating water masses—called gyres—form in oceans and large lakes. Two EPFL laboratories, working with the University of California, Davis, are using an underwater glider to explore one such gyre in Lake ...

Researchers greenlight gas detection at room temperature

Russian researchers have developed a mechanism for detecting molecular hydrogen using green light to illuminate a nanocrystalline composite sensor based on zinc and indium oxides. This enables a gas sensor operating at room ...

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