NASA Scientists Monitor Ocean Temperatures to Understand Weather

( -- Earth's oceans and atmosphere are engaged in a complex dance, continually exchanging heat and moisture. Ocean conditions directly influence the conditions of the atmosphere. To predict our weather, forecasters ...

New water management tool may help ease effects of drought

Continued improvement of climate forecasts is resulting in better information about what rainfall and streamflow may look like months in advance. A researcher from North Carolina State University has developed an innovative ...

Scientists unveil new seasonal hurricane forecasting model

Scientists at The Florida State University's Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) have developed a new computer model that they hope will predict with unprecedented accuracy how many hurricanes will occur ...

Forecasters predict 6 Atlantic hurricanes for 2009

Six hurricanes are expected to churn through the Atlantic this year, a Colorado State University forecast team said Tuesday as it lowered its estimates for the upcoming storm season.

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