Related topics: maximum sustained winds

Satellites yield insight into not so permanent permafrost

Ice is without doubt one of the first casualties of climate change, but the effects of our warming world are not only limited to ice melting on Earth's surface. Ground that has been frozen for thousands of years is also thawing, ...

Ocean's 'seasonal memory' affects Arctic climate change

Following four expeditions in the Arctic Ocean and satellite data analysis, a team of Russian climate scientists featuring MIPT researchers described the ocean's "seasonal memory." This refers to a mechanism explaining how ...

Tests for the InSight 'Mole'

A blue box, a cubic metre of Mars-like sand, a rock, a fully-functional model of the Mars 'Mole' and a seismometer – these are the main components with which the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und ...

The forces behind South and Central China's extremely hot summer

The effects of extreme warming have been felt across the globe in recent years, especially with intensely hot summers in eastern Asia, western Europe, and North America. On July 21, 2017, a weather station in Shanghai, China, ...

Houston, we're here to help the farmers

Farmers irrigating their crops may soon be getting some help from space. In 2018, scientists launched ECOSTRESS, a new instrument now attached to the International Space Station. Its mission: to gather data on how plants ...

InSight's seismometer now has a cozy shelter on Mars

For the past several weeks, NASA's InSight lander has been making adjustments to the seismometer it set on the Martian surface on Dec. 19. Now it's reached another milestone by placing a domed shield over the seismometer ...

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