Inhalable molecules neutralize SARS-CoV-2 in mice

Nanofitins, which are derived from a protein found in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius—an archaeal microorganism found in hot springs—successfully neutralized SARS-CoV-2 in mice and were well-tolerated. When inhaled by the rodents, ...

Using probiotic bacteria to protect against coral bleaching

Images of bare, naked white coral reefs have been increasingly circulating around the world. The typically colorful reefs of tropical oceans, which are home to many species of the marine ecosystem, are suffering from rising ...

New astronomical instrument on the hunt for exoplanets

At the highest point of the Quinlan mountains, overlooking the Sonoran Desert as it stretches across southern Arizona, NEID (pronounced like "fluid") recently collected its first observations, known colloquially by astronomers ...

Getting purer berkelium, faster than ever

Researchers need a better way to extract individual heavy metal elements, called actinides, to obtain a purer product. In 2018, researchers discovered that the actinide berkelium, when oxidized, does not form negatively charged ...

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