The media shape public opinion about surrogacy and homosexuality

The media play a key role in informing society and in shaping perceptions and judgments about social issues, particularly concerning issues on which there is insufficient knowledge or a lack of experience. For example, one ...

US journalist charged in hacking plot is sacked

A US journalist charged with conspiring with the hacker group Anonymous to break into and alter an online Los Angeles Times story said Monday he has been fired by Reuters.

News Corp plans US Spanish-language TV network

(AP) -- Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is launching a Spanish-language broadcast TV network that aims to bring the flavor of the Fox network to Hispanic audiences in the U.S.

Serendipitous news reading online is gaining prominence

Traditional media, such as newspapers and television news, require readers and viewers to intentionally seek out news by picking up a newspaper or turning on the television. The Internet and new technologies now are changing ...

More news, more worry during pandemic

Anxiety and fear went hand in hand with trying to learn more about COVID-19 in the early days of the pandemic in the United States—and the most distressed people were turning on the television and scrolling through social ...

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