US cites Baidu, PirateBay, others in copyright piracy

The US Monday named leading Chinese search engine Baidu and Swedish torrent download site Pirate Bay in a list of the world's top online and physical markets for pirated and counterfeit goods.

Researchers study best use of 'whitespace' spectrum

(—The demand for faster, more mobile Internet access for smartphones, tablets and laptops does more than strain the available space we have in our pockets and bags. There's a finite amount of wireless spectrum ...

Prototype binoculars from NHK show-stop CEATEC crowd

(—NHK is drawing interest at this week's CEATEC in Japan with its prototype 3-D binoculars. They take advantage of something called "8K" resolution so that the user can now zoom into an image without sacrificing ...

Russia launches Chinese satellite

A Russian Proton-M rocket completed the successful launch Saturday of an advanced Chinese communications satellite that should help expand television coverage in parts of Southeast Asia.

Japan goes digital after turning off analogue TV

Japan on Sunday shifted to digital terrestrial broadcasting, switching off its analogue television network in all areas except those worst hit by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the government said.

Gigabit Powerline Networking offers speedy solutions

Although we've always been able to see and hear in "High Definition," we think of that phrase as belonging to the 21st century. High Definition or HD devices such as television sets, Blu-Ray DVD players, digital still and ...

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