Related topics: black holes

Cosmic beasts and where to find them

Two giant radio galaxies have been discovered with South Africa's powerful MeerKAT telescope. These galaxies are thought to be amongst the largest single objects in the Universe. The discovery has been published today in ...

A new way to look for gravitational waves

In a paper published today in Physical Review Letters, Valerie Domcke of CERN and Camilo Garcia-Cely of DESY report on a new technique to search for gravitational waves—the ripples in the fabric of spacetime that were first ...

Astronomers detect possible radio emission from exoplanet

By monitoring the cosmos with a radio telescope array, a Cornell University-led international team of scientists has detected radio bursts emanating from the constellation Boötes. The signal could be the first radio emission ...

NASA's Webb solar array reconnects to the telescope

One kilowatt is about what it takes to heat up some leftovers in a microwave—or to power the largest and most technically advanced telescope ever built. Thanks to its solar array, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will ...

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