Tracking dragonflies on the wing

( -- Duke University electrical engineers have developed a wirelessly powered telemetry system that is light and powerful enough to allow scientists to study the intricate neurological activity of dragonflies ...

Engineers solve data glitch on NASA's Voyager 1

Engineers have repaired an issue affecting data from NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft. Earlier this year, the probe's attitude articulation and control system (AACS), which keeps Voyager 1's antenna pointed at Earth, began sending ...

Newly released data show how fish pass through dams

Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have released a unique data set containing more than 5 million raw data points on the movement, behavior, and location of juvenile Chinook salmon as they traveled ...

Risk assessment, for the birds

Every year, backyard songbirds across the United States make an arduous journey to warmer winter climes. They migrate hundreds of miles, occasionally braving tough terrain and nasty weather. Sometimes, they have no place ...

Neural activity in bats measured in-flight

Animals navigate and orient themselves to survive – to find food and shelter or avoid predators, for example. Research conducted by Dr. Nachum Ulanovsky and research student Michael Yartsev of the Weizmann Institute's Neurobiology ...

Sharks dive deep on moonlit nights

( —The Moon, water temperature and even time of day affect the diving behaviour of sharks, according to new research at The University of Western Australia.

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