Tech sector slips into surprising slump

In a surprising turn, the tech industry is in a slump even as the U.S. economy picks up steam. The announcement last week that Silicon Valley giant Cisco Systems, which sells networking and telecommunications equipment, plans ...

Court dismisses Nokia patent claims against HTC

Taiwan's top smartphone maker HTC said on Saturday a German court had dismissed two patent infringement complaints brought against the company by Finnish phone giant Nokia.

New flex-grid system prevents optical network 'traffic jams'

Services like Google Maps use algorithms to determine the fastest route from point A to point B—even factoring in real-time traffic information as you travel to redirect you if, for example, a parade is blocking part of ...

China satellite navigation starts services to Asia

(AP)—A Chinese satellite navigation network created to eventually compete with America's Global Positioning System has started offering services to Asian users outside the country.

US panel: China tech giants pose security threat (Update)

(AP)—American companies should avoid sourcing network equipment from China's two leading technology firms because they pose a national security threat to the United States, the House Intelligence Committee warned Monday.

Russia launches European telecoms satellite

A Russian Proton-M rocket completed the successful launch Wednesday of a European telecommunications satellite after a two-month delay.

Russia 'suspends satellite launch' after failures

Russia's space agency has suspended this month's launch of a European satellite after a rocket failed to take its payload into orbit last weekend, Interfax reported on Friday.

Researchers work to protect, restore vulnerable networks

( -- Alon Efrat, a University of Arizona associate professor of computer science, is working with a team of researchers on a project intended to help prevent a telecommunications meltdown in the event of an ...

New method developed for synchronizing clocks

Maintaining the correct time is no longer just a matter of keeping your watch wound -- especially when it comes to computers, telecommunications, and other complex systems. The clocks in these devices must stay accurate to ...

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