'Anonymous' hackers to protest Indian Internet laws

Indian demonstrators supporting the global hacking movement Anonymous took to the streets on Saturday to protest against what they consider growing government censorship of the Internet.

Embraer to team up with Brazil telecoms in space plan

Brazil's leading planemaker Embraer signed a shareholding agreement Tuesday with Telebras, the country's state-owned telecom provider, to set up a joint venture to launch a communications satellite.

China Mobile in talks with Apple over iPhone

China Mobile, the world's biggest mobile operator by subscribers, said Wednesday the company is in talks with Apple to offer the popular iPhone to its users in the Asian nation.

Liberia to get high-speed internet by October

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said late Monday the west African nation will get high-speed internet from October, as it connects to a fibre optic cable running along the west African coast.

China enjoying fruit of Apple's labor

People in China are not only making coveted Apple gadgets, they are snapping them up as the booming nation becomes a top market for the trend-setting California company.

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