China's Huawei responds to US hackers

Chinese communications giant Huawei Technologies on Wednesday responded to US hackers' claims that its routers were easily cracked, saying its security strategies were rigorous.

Apple's iPhone 4 finally comes to India

Apple's iPhone 4 made its debut in India on Friday, nearly a year after the updated model of the handset was launched in the United States, amid growing demand for smartphones.

Embraer to team up with Brazil telecoms in space plan

Brazil's leading planemaker Embraer signed a shareholding agreement Tuesday with Telebras, the country's state-owned telecom provider, to set up a joint venture to launch a communications satellite.

GE, Vivendi deal paves way for NBC sale to Comcast

(AP) -- General Electric Co.'s agreement to buy out the rest of NBC Universal paves the way for it to sell control of the TV and movie company to Comcast Corp. in a deal that promises to reshape the entertainment industry.

China Mobile 1H profit rises to $9.6 billion

(AP) -- China Mobile Ltd., the world's biggest phone company by subscribers, said Thursday its first-half profit rose 6.3 percent as sales were boosted by greater usage of mobile Internet devices.

EU unveils major telecom reforms, end to roaming charges

The European Commission adopted controversial telecom sector reforms Wednesday which it said would create a 'fully connected' Europe and include an end to hugely unpopular mobile phone roaming charges.

Britain gets first 4G mobile services

Britain's first super-fast 4G mobile Internet service was launched in 11 cities on Tuesday, allowing the kingdom to catch up with the global roll-out.

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