US teen designs compact nuclear reactor

Eighteen-year-old Taylor Wilson has designed a compact nuclear reactor that could one day burn waste from old atomic weapons to power anything from homes and factories to space colonies. turns heads with 3-D iPad app

Jonathan Coon turned heads Wednesday with iPad software that lets people try on sunglasses by manipulating 3-D images of themselves from the neck up.

Brin sees Google glasses hitting market this year

Sergey Brin envisions Google's Internet glasses hitting the market this year with an eye toward freeing people from unsocial habits engendered by "emasculating" smartphones.

Computer in Delhi slum wall leads to TED Prize

Sugata Mitra on Tuesday was awarded a million-dollar TED Prize to pursue the promise of building schools in the Internet cloud where young minds can learn unfettered by grown-ups.

Ted Talks get virtual pages at Huffington Post

News website Huffington Post on Friday launched a weekend section devoted to diving deeply into mind-bending ideas shared in "talks" at prestigious TED conferences.

Testing nonprofit waters with Chicago Ideas Week

(AP)—There are TED talks, Renaissance Weekends and Davos, all for innovators and world leaders to share creative ideas and make lucrative connections. Now there's a version of the grand-meeting-of-elite-minds concept that's ...

YouTube seeking education video 'gurus'

YouTube on Friday was searching for education "gurus" with knowledge to impart to fast-growing ranks of students turning to online videos for lessons.

Internet life in spotlight at global TED gathering

The TED conference, known for taking an innovative look at cutting-edge issues, will delve into whether the Internet is making the world more open or closed at a gathering in Scotland on Monday.

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