TED titans see through eyes of young innovators

Titans of Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and finance gazed through the eyes of young innovators as the renowned TED conference formally got under way on Tuesday.

Coveted TED prize goes to city of the future

TED for the first time awarded its coveted annual prize to an idea instead of a person, naming the smart city of the future as winner of the prestigious group's backing.

TED shedding elite conference image

The TED conferences are forging ahead with a transformation from elite intellectual gatherings to global exchange of thought-sparking ideas.

Computer expert says US behind Stuxnet worm

A German computer security expert said Thursday he believes the United States and Israel's Mossad unleashed the malicious Stuxnet worm on Iran's nuclear program.

World needs a reboot: TED

Nobel laureates, technology titans, artists, scientists, and academics spent five days here grappling with how best to reboot the world.

TED takes on 'What the world needs now'

Let the mind-bending begin! A TED conference that attracts brilliant minds and challenges them to solve humanity's ills got underway Tuesday in the southern California city of Long Beach.

Famed TED talks available in multiple languages

The organizers of the famed annual TED conferences on Wednesday began making the thought-provoking lectures by giants of technology, science and the arts available in dozens of languages.

TED talks seek to inject optimism into pandemic gloom

A TED conference under the theme "The Case for Optimism" on Monday threw down the gauntlet for a return to face-to-face gatherings, despite the daunting challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, climate change and deep political ...

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