Measuring 'the Cloud': Performance could be better

(—Storing information "in the Cloud" is rapidly gaining in popularity. Yet just how do these services really work? Researchers from the University of Twente's Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT) ...

Smart technology can help conserve energy use at home

Our homes are getting smarter. Smart technology that automates our homes' devices is becoming mainstream, making it convenient for us to rein in our energy use and cut our energy bills.

US aims to block bid to give UN control of Internet

The United States will oppose a bid to revise a global treaty to bring the Internet under UN control or to impose new taxes on Web traffic, the head of a US delegation said Wednesday.

First physical evidence of tobacco in a Mayan container

A scientist at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an anthropologist from the University at Albany teamed up to use ultra-modern chemical analysis technology at Rensselaer to analyze ancient Mayan pottery for proof of tobacco ...

LinkedIn opens India R&D centre

LinkedIn Corporation said Tuesday it had opened a research and development centre in India, the US-based professional online networking site's first such office outside North America.

France's Orange adds to iPhone 5 release hype

French mobile network operator Orange has broken the secrecy surrounding Apple's new iPhone 5 through a job advert, despite the US firm's ban on its partners referring to the product before its expected Sptember release.

China has over 900 million mobile phone users

China had more than 900 million mobile phone subscribers at the end of April with nearly two-thirds of the world's most populous nation using cellular technology, the government said Tuesday.

ZigBee would allow remote use of home electronics

You probably have a mobile phone with a Bluetooth radio in it, and you may have a Wi-Fi network as well. Soon, you could be using a third wireless networking technology in your house.

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