Tech leaders ponder future of mobile

The pace of innovation and change in mobile devices is so dizzying it is difficult to predict the winning platforms and products of the next few years.

HP sets sights on rivals with webOS software

(AP) -- Hewlett-Packard Co. will soon include its webOS system for smartphones on all its PCs, upcoming tablet computers and higher-end printers, putting it in competition with operating software from Apple, Google and Microsoft.

Twitter launching photo-sharing service

Twitter said Wednesday that it is adding a photo-sharing option for its users, a move that could deal a blow to existing services such as Twitpic and yfrog.

Netflix plans international expansion

US video giant Netflix, which has more than 23 million subscribers in the United States and Canada, plans to expand to another country this year, founder Reed Hastings said Wednesday.

Twitter chief picked as Obama telecom advisor

US President Barack Obama named Twitter's chief and a high-ranking Microsoft executive among a handful of technology veterans to be appointed as telecommunications security advisors.

High-tech start-ups training academy to open

An online community devoted to helping start-ups duel with venture capitalists is opening an institute to train technology entrepreneurs how to build top-notch businesses.

Obama's tax plans raises high-tech hackles

(AP) -- President Barack Obama's plan to impose U.S. taxes on corporate America's overseas profits threatens to open a big crater in the financial statements of technology companies.

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