Report lays out how to make copper mines emission-free

A world-first study by the University of Sydney's Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering, "Zero Emission Copper Mine of the Future," lays out how Australian copper mining can be cleaner and smarter using emerging technologies.

Perfect optics through light scattering

Innovative technologies are the key to tackling some of society's key challenges—and many of these technologies have an optical system at their core. Examples include semiconductor lithography systems designed to create ...

The coronavirus crisis: A catalyst for entrepreneurship

Throughout human history, crises have been pivotal in developing our societies. Pandemics have helped advance health-care systems, wars have fuelled technological innovations and the global financial crisis helped advance ...

Innovative technologies for satellites

Some satellites are only slightly larger than a milk carton. This type of construction is now to be given a further simplified architecture and thus become even lighter and more cost-effective: This is the goal of the teams ...

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