The quantum field theory on which the everyday world supervenes

The laws of physics underlying everyday life are, at one level of description, completely known, and can be summarized in a single elegant—if quite complex—equation. That's the claim physicist Sean Carroll, an SFI Fractal ...

Business model innovation is key to beating COVID-19 debt

As the UK and other countries face some of the worst days of the COVID-19 health crisis, the economic crisis may seem far off or even averted. But the measures taken to support economies battered by lockdown and other restrictions ...

Resuming geographic mobility will boost knowledge transfer

Among the casualties of the COVID-related decline in geographic mobility is effective knowledge transfer, that could have saved billions of dollars to companies across the world. According to research by Gianmario Verona, ...

Māori scientists work 'cultural double-shifts'

Māori scientists face the double challenge of undertaking innovative research while also being expected to raise the cultural capacity of their organizations and the science system.

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