3-D video from inside flying insects

The flight muscles moving inside flies have been filmed for the first time using a new 3D X-ray scanning technique.

Researchers capture moving object with ghost imaging

Researchers have developed a way to capture moving objects with the unconventional imaging method known as ghost imaging. The new method could make the imaging technique practical for new applications such as biomedical imaging, ...

Harnessing plasmonics, engineers weld nanowires with light

At the nano level, researchers at Stanford have discovered a new way to weld together meshes of tiny wires. Their work could lead to exciting new electronics and solar applications. To succeed, they called upon plasmonics.

Nucleus-specific X-ray stain for 3-D virtual histology

Histology is used to identify structural details of tissue at the microscale in the pathology lab, but analyses remain two-dimensional (2D) as they are limited to the same plane. Nondestructive 3D technologies including X-ray ...

Premiere: Watch the development of a larva into an adult worm

Researchers from FOM institute AMOLF have developed a microscopy technique for the live tracking of development in the individual cells of a growing, eating and moving organism, the worm Caenorhabditis elegans. The next step ...

Scientists use nanotechnology to hunt for hidden pathogens

Researchers at the University of Central Florida have developed a novel technique that may give doctors a faster and more sensitive tool to detect pathogens associated with inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn's disease.

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