Monster planet is 'dancing with the stars'

A team made up almost entirely of current and former Carnegie scientists has discovered a highly unusual planetary system comprised of a Sun-like star, a dwarf star, and an enormous planet sandwiched in between.

Researchers ink nanostructures with tiny 'soldering iron'

Researchers with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have shed light on the role of temperature in controlling a fabrication technique for drawing chemical patterns as small as 20 nanometers. This technique ...

3-D printing of living cells

Using a new technique they call "in-air microfluidics," University of Twente scientists succeed in printing 3-D structures with living cells. This special technique enable the fast and 'on-the-fly' production of micro building ...

Engineers produce smallest 3-D transistor yet

Researchers from MIT and the University of Colorado have fabricated a 3-D transistor that's less than half the size of today's smallest commercial models. To do so, they developed a novel microfabrication technique that modifies ...

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