Asteroid fragments to be studied using specialized X-ray techniques

Using X-ray techniques, scientists will study tiny specks of asteroid 162173 Ryugu, collected by a Japanese space mission. Learning more about how this asteroid formed will further our understanding of the solar system, including ...

Using laser beam shaping to improve metal 3D printing

While laser-based 3D printing techniques have revolutionized the production of metal parts by greatly expanding design complexity, the laser beams traditionally used in metal printing have drawbacks that can lead to defects ...

Region of 'super corals' discovered

In 2019, a hydrology professor at The University of Texas at Austin set out on a research project to see if he could identify harmful nutrients flowing through groundwater into a delicate coral reef sanctuary in the Philippines. ...

High-throughput method of identifying novel materials

Coupling computer automation with an ink-jet printer originally used to print T-shirt designs, researchers at Caltech and Google have developed a high-throughput method of identifying novel materials with interesting properties. ...

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