3D television without glasses

When the boundaries merge between the action and the viewer, television becomes a special experience. Fraunhofer research scientists are optimizing the technologies that make it possible to watch TV in 3D without technical ...

World timekeepers wrangle over scrapping leap second

Timekeeping experts failed Friday to reach a decision on scrapping the four-decade-old practice of adding extra seconds to clocks, a system opponents say causes headaches in a hi-tech, interconnected world.

NASA readies for Saturday Moon rocket launch attempt

The stars appear to be aligned for NASA's Moon rocket to finally blast off on Saturday, with weather forecasts favorable and technical issues that postponed the launch earlier this week resolved.

".Oops": Glitch forces extension for new suffixes

You're probably familiar with ".com" and ".org." How about ".oops"? A technical glitch forced the abrupt shutdown of a system for letting companies and organizations propose new Internet domain name suffixes. The Internet ...

A new space race? China adds urgency to US return to moon

It's not just rocket fuel propelling America's first moonshot after a half-century lull. Strategic rivalry with China's ambitious space program is helping drive NASA's effort to get back into space in a bigger way, as both ...

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