Electronics show a window into the 'Internet of Me'

New technology is getting more personal. So personal, it is moving to connect and analyze our movements, our health, our brains and our everyday devices. Welcome to the so-called Internet of Me.

Tepid growth expected in tech spending

The Consumer Electronics Show, set to kick off here this week, is sure to be full of hype and spectacle. But that excitement won't translate into big sales growth for the industry, the trade group behind the show forecast ...

Global tech spending sputters amid economic woes

The outlook for global technology spending is uncertain after nearly flat growth in the past year, with turbulent economic conditions making a forecast difficult, an industry gathering was told.

Federal spending on clean tech dives, report says

A report released Wednesday by scholars at the Brookings Institution and the Oakland, Calif.-based Breakthrough Institute warns that federal spending on clean technologies is drying up, with little sign of additional help ...

Gartner: Tech spending will rebound in 2010

(AP) -- Research group Gartner Inc. says the information technology industry is closing its worst year on record, with worldwide tech spending on track to decline 5.2 percent in 2009.