No long-term 'star effect' for baseball teams on Twitter

In previous generations, when professional sports franchises had athletes who were considered to be all-star caliber on their teams, those teams would experience a "star effect," which would result in long-term increases ...

Study says logos make a group seem 'real'

Organizations have logos, sports teams have mascots, countries have flags and national anthems. In marketing plans and political campaigns, a good logo is considered an essential tool for building brand identity.

Fantasy sports sites to halt college contests

Two major fantasy sports operators said Thursday they would suspend contests involving teams and athletes from universities as part of an agreement with the governing body for college athletics.

Athletes look for an edge in virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) appears ready to take the entertainment world by storm in 2016. In addition to the much-hyped Oculus Rift, major corporations such as Facebook, Sony and Samsung are poised to release high-quality VR headsets ...

ExoMars performing flawlessly

Following a spectacular liftoff, ESA's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter is performing flawlessly en route to the Red Planet.

Individual rewards can boost team performance at work

Conventional wisdom has held that boosting team performance in the workplace should focus on rewarding entire teams that perform well – and that rewarding individuals increases competition rather than helping team performance. ...

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